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Midland Kid’s Dentist Blog

Caring for Tender Teeth: What Parents Can Do When Children Have Teeth Sensitivity

October 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — midlandkidsdentist @ 10:20 pm
A father and daughter brushing together to fight teeth sensitivity

Children have a lot more going on than we realize. Between naps, chores, and having to eat their vegetables, they can get swamped easily. However, as a parent, you know it’s important that they make time for oral care every day. But what can you do if your little one says their teeth hurt, or if they have sensitivities to brushing?

If you want to learn some helpful tips to keep their tooth troubles at bay, continue reading. You’ll find ways to help your child with their tender teeth.


The Recovery Process for a Frenectomy

September 19, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — midlandkidsdentist @ 2:54 pm
a baby laughing while being examined by a dentist

Lip and tongue ties are more commonly diagnosed nowadays due to the fact that parents are more familiar with what symptoms to look out for. If you just learned that your child could benefit from a frenectomy, which is the treatment for these conditions, you’ll likely want to know what the recovery process will look like. Read on to learn what post-operative effects you’ll be supporting your child through, as well as how long healing will take.


Can Pacifiers Lead to Poor Dental Health for Children?

August 24, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — midlandkidsdentist @ 11:38 pm
a baby sucking on a pacifier

Between 60 and 85 percent of babies use pacifiers. In fact, it’s a completely healthy and natural habit that babies develop to help self-soothe and feel at-ease. If your little one is a thumb or pacifier-sucker, there’s no need to ween them off as infants, but once they get into toddlerhood, it’s a good idea to consider taking those initial steps to stopping. This is primarily because once they get bigger and their teeth begin erupting, non-nutritive habits can impact their dental development. Read on to learn about both the pros and cons of pacifier usage.  


A Guide to Your Child’s Baby Teeth

July 6, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — midlandkidsdentist @ 11:37 pm
Baby with erupting teeth

When you are a new parent, there are all sorts of uncertainties. It can be difficult to know when your child’s baby teeth will come in and fall out. Getting a first tooth and losing a first tooth are both huge milestones, and they are exciting for both parents and children. Here’s what you should know about your child’s baby teeth so you know what to expect as they continue to grow.


A Guide to Two-Year Molars for Parents

June 22, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — midlandkidsdentist @ 9:56 am
A baby teething next to their parent

Perhaps you want all your tyke’s baby teeth to emerge. After all, getting an infant through the teething process is a challenge. However, you’ll first need to help with a final task: managing your child’s two-year molars. These four pearly whites cause discomfort as they erupt, so carefully guide your little one. Luckily, your Midland pediatric dentist is here with advice. Read on to learn the symptoms of two-year molars, how to manage their pain, and signs they need dental care.


4 Helpful Tips for Making Losing Teeth Less Scary

May 2, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — midlandkidsdentist @ 5:30 pm
a child holding one of their baby teeth

For some children, losing their baby teeth can be a bit of a frightening experience; they might not fully understand what’s happening or why their pearly whites are falling out, but in any case, they’ve reached quite an important milestone! That said, if your child is beginning to lose their first set of teeth, you might be wondering if there are any ways you can make things a little less scary and more exciting for them. Here are some tips from your trusted pediatric dentist to help you navigate your child through this process.


You Asked, We Answered: Do Baby Teeth Need Fillings?

April 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — midlandkidsdentist @ 7:59 pm
baby smiling with two teeth

As a parent, you only want to provide the best care for your children, including their oral health. One common concern is childhood cavities. Detecting a cavity in your little one’s teeth can be worrisome, but it’s crucial to understand whether fillings are necessary and how to prevent cavities in the first place. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of addressing cavities in children and share effective preventive measures to maintain a healthy smile for years to come.


How to Get Kids Excited about Dental Hygiene

March 12, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — midlandkidsdentist @ 3:42 am
portrait of a kid brushing their teeth

One of the most important parts of parenthood is helping your child form habits that will aid them through the rest of their life, and a great example of that is dental hygiene. Kids often struggle with brushing and flossing consistently, and even more so with doing those things properly.

If you’re trying to help your child smile bright for the rest of their lives, there are some things that you can do that can make them excited to care for themselves.


The Link Between Fruit Juice and Your Child’s Smile

February 23, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — midlandkidsdentist @ 7:58 am
a child smiling with a glass of juice in her hand

Fruit juice is a common drink for kids. Whether it’s apple, grape, or orange, these sweet beverages are popular and even provide some nutritional value for children. However, they can negatively affect their oral health. Your little one’s daily favorite juice may be dramatically increasing their risk of cavities. Read on to learn more about how juice affects your child’s teeth and what you can do to keep their grin healthy and happy.


Helpful Oral Hygiene Products for Your Child’s Growing Smile

February 2, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — midlandkidsdentist @ 6:14 pm
a child smiling while visiting their dentist

Your child’s smile is a source of pride and joy for both of you, meaning that you should make every effort to ensure that your little one’s pearly whites look and feel their absolute best. But this isn’t always easy, since children don’t always have the knowledge or means to maintain optimal oral health. Luckily, you can help! Here’s more from your pediatric dentist about why their oral health matters, along with some helpful oral hygiene products that are certain to simplify things.

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