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How Can Thumb-Sucking Affect Your Child’s Oral Health?

March 11, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — midlandkidsdentist @ 4:50 pm
a child laughing and playing in front of a window

Pacifier use and thumb-sucking are two completely natural habits that kids develop to help them feel comforted and safe. However, once they get to a certain age, it can start to impact the way their mouth forms, causing a variety of issues that they’ll need to deal with as they get older. Read on to learn about how you can discourage older children to stop thumb-sucking, and what issues can result as they age if they continue this habit.


Celebrate Children’s Dental Health Month with New Products

February 25, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — midlandkidsdentist @ 6:48 am
Child at dentist

When you first think about the month of February, you probably have Valentine’s Day in mind. While the popular romantic holiday is exciting to look forward to, there is another thing you should keep in mind during this month. February is Children’s Dental Health Month. You try your best to teach your children about the importance of maintaining a healthy smile, but it can be difficult. Here are a few fun products to help your child get excited to keep up with their oral hygiene routine!


What Type of Milk Is Best for Oral Health?

February 5, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — midlandkidsdentist @ 8:35 am

When you were a young child, you were told that you had to drink plenty of milk so that you would develop strong bones. These days, you put it in your cereal, use it to bake, and may even have a glass or two of it with your dinner or before going to bed. The good news is that there is definitely truth behind what you were told when you were a kid. But what is the best type of milk for teeth? Whole? 2%? 1%? Cow’s milk? Goat’s milk? Almond milk? There are so many to choose from. Before your next trip to the store, a pediatric dentist in Midland wants you to know more about milk so you can choose the right one for your family.


Why Are Children with Special Needs at Higher Risk of Oral Health Issues?

January 21, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — midlandkidsdentist @ 1:19 am
Child at pediatric dentist in Midland

Children who have special needs have additional requirements when it comes to their care. A lot of the time, medical issues take the spotlight while dental problems are forgotten. But the truth is that children who has special needs are actually more likely to develop certain oral health conditions than the average child who does not have special needs. That’s why it is especially important to be extra attentive when it comes to their dental needs. Continue reading to learn more about special needs dentistry in Midland and why it is so important.


6 Questions About Dental Sealants – Answered

January 4, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — midlandkidsdentist @ 1:43 am
Child at children's dentist in Midland

You’ve been teaching your child about the importance of brushing and flossing their teeth every single day. However, there is something more that can help them to maintain excellent oral health throughout their childhood. It’s not always easy for your child to reach all areas of their mouth, so by having an extra safety net, they are more likely to remain cavity free. A children’s dentist in Midland answers some of the most common questions that patients have about dental sealants.


Why Are Baby Teeth Sometimes Extracted?

December 29, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — midlandkidsdentist @ 4:32 am
Baby tooth extraction in Midland

A baby tooth extraction is when a dentist surgically removes a primary tooth. If you’ve been told that your child needs to have a tooth extracted, you may be wondering why. After all, your child’s primary teeth are going to fall out anyways. The truth is that this is one of the most common pediatric dentistry procedures. Continue reading to learn some reasons why baby tooth extractions in Midland are sometimes necessary and some aftercare tips.


4 Smile-Friendly Stocking Stuffers

December 3, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — midlandkidsdentist @ 3:18 am

Now that the holidays are just around the corner, you are probably doing all sorts of fun stuff to prepare. Whether you are stringing colorful lights around your home, listening to festive music, or breaking out the old cookbook, you and your family have plenty of things to look forward to. However, the last thing your kids need is a stocking full of sugary sweets that will damage their smiles. A children’s dentist in Midland shares some alternative stocking stuffers that will help to improve their oral health.


Why Your Child Should Get a Filling Before the End of the Year

November 1, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — midlandkidsdentist @ 2:20 am
Child at dentist

Has your child’s pediatric dentist in Midland told you that they need to get a filling? Even though it can be tempting to avoid putting it on the schedule and just hope the issue goes away, this will only lead to greater issues later on. Even if your child isn’t in pain, if a cavity progresses, they could end up requiring a more invasive and expensive treatment later on. Continue reading to learn why your child needs a dental filling in Midland and why they should have it done before the end of the year.


4 Tips for Making Losing Teeth Less Scary for Your Little One

October 22, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — midlandkidsdentist @ 6:52 pm
Child laughing and pointing to missing tooth

As an adult, losing a tooth necessitates an emergency trip to the dentist. As a child, it is a right of passage that results in money underneath their pillow the next morning. However, some children experience fear surrounding the idea of losing their teeth. So, if your little one has expressed anxiety around their loose tooth, try using the below tips from a pediatric dentist in Midland to make the process less scary!


3 Reasons Your Teen Should Visit a Pediatric Dentist

October 8, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — midlandkidsdentist @ 8:19 pm
Teen smiling at dentist appointment

As your teen grows up, they may become “too cool” for a lot of things, including a pediatric dentist. However, it is important to remember that their teeth, gums, and jaw continue to transform throughout young adulthood. While they may want to transition to a general dentist, pediatric dentists have advanced training in addressing the prevalent issues that leave their smile vulnerable to decay and harm. With this in mind, read on for three reasons your teen should see a pediatric dentist in Midland.

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