Oh Baby: Preventing Baby Bottle Tooth Decay
August 22, 2024

Your baby’s first set of teeth are an important part of growing up. Unfortunately, many people don’t understand that though they will eventually fall out and be replaced by permanent teeth, baby teeth are still very vital to your child’s oral health and development. Baby teeth not only make it easier for children to speak and chew properly, but they also act as placeholders for adult teeth, so that when it comes time for those grown-up choppers to grow in, there’s a proper place for them to go. This is why caring for them is of the utmost importance.
But what happens when a very routine activity could make it hard to keep them safe? Here’s what every parent needs to know about baby bottle tooth decay.
(more…)Is My Baby’s Crying Due to a Lip or Tongue-Tie Causing Colic?
August 2, 2024

There’s nothing worse than being unable to help your baby when they’re crying. If they have a lip or tongue-tie, it can make nursing or bottle-feeding much harder because of their inability to latch properly. But you may not realize these tethered tissues can also result in colic. If you are in this situation and need help, don’t feel bad about reaching out to your pediatric dentist. In fact, you can learn more about ways to address this problem by reading the article below.