4 Interesting Facts about Children’s Dental Health Every Parent Needs to Know
May 27, 2021

If you’re honest with yourself, you have to admit that there are many situations where you’re making up parenting as you go. Unfortunately, raising a child doesn’t come with a manual, and it can be challenging to sift through all the advice available. However, there are some important facts about children’s dental health you should know and understand so that you can help your child stay healthy as they grow from infancy through adulthood.
(more…)Teething Baby? Here’s Advice for Helping Them Sleep
May 12, 2021

Before having kids, you “knew” there would be challenges, but honestly, nothing prepared you for the difficulties of teething. All of a sudden your baby is fussy all the time and won’t sleep, which makes them even more cranky! What can you do to give you both the rest you desperately need? Here are some simple tips to get you and your little one through the night.