4 Ways the Holiday Season Can Land Your Child an Appointment With Their Emergency Dentist
November 21, 2019

The holiday season is well underway, which means that you and your family will have plenty of opportunities to eat your favorite seasonal sweets and savory treats. On top of that, your child will have ample time off school, which means their schedule and habits will change drastically. This holiday combination of changes can result in an unexpected dental emergency which can land your little one an appointment with their pediatric dentist in Midland. Here are four ways your little one could suffer from a dental dilemma during the holidays.
(more…)4 Reasons to Take Your Child to a Pediatric Dentist
November 3, 2019

Has your child’s first tooth erupted? Are you wondering whether it’s a better choice to take them to a pediatric dentist in Midland instead of a general dentist? As a parent, your main concern is that your little one is getting the best quality of dental care, and that they’re learning all the techniques they need to keep their smiles healthy as adults. Read on for four reasons taking them to a specially trained pediatric dentist can give you peace of mind that they’re getting the best care possible. ß