Are Your Child’s Permanent Teeth Growing in Yellow? A Pediatric Dentist in Midland Lets You Know Why
July 20, 2019

Many parents are concerned about how effective their child’s brushing and flossing technique is. You’ve noticed that your child’s permanent teeth are growing in yellow and you feel like that’s not a good sign. Even though you make sure your son or daughter keeps up with their oral hygiene routine, you’re still worried that it could be caused by plaque buildup or oral health problems. Read on to learn the truth about why your child’s teeth are growing in stained from a pediatric dentist in Midland.
(more…)Kick Off Back-to-School Season With a Visit to a Pediatric Dentist in Midland
July 5, 2019

As a parent, the back-to-school season can be stressful. You can put your worries at rest when you get your child’s clean bill of health from a pediatric dentist in Midland before school starts up. This way, you won’t have to worry about any dental emergencies cropping up during the busiest time of year. Even if your little one keeps up with their oral hygiene routine, a professional cleaning and checkup is vital to ensure their oral and overall health. Read on to learn why.